Naruto Nine Tailed Fox Games

Following the Nine Tails Attack, Minato Namikaze seals all the Nine Tails' into his son while removing its soul. With Naruto's own soul now at the core of the Nine Tails' power, the world will bear witness to the birth of a new Nine Tailed Fox! Watch as Naruto and his fellow Hidden Leaf Ninja grow and fight to forever change the world of the. 98 results for naruto nine tailed fox. Save this search. Shipping to: 98837. X1 Naruto/Boruto Card Game The Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit Full Art Foil NB01-25-B. Watch; Naruto CCG TCG -Incarnation Of The Nine Tailed Fox. Super Rare Foil Card.

  1. Naruto Nine Tails Fox Game
  2. Naruto Nine Tailed Fox Eye
  3. Naruto Nine Tailed Fox Episodes
  4. Naruto Nine Tails Games

I bring a new chapter today. Thanks to all of those who take the time to read the story. There's a time skip of one week in this chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Ch. 4 The Nine-Tailed Fox

It had been one week since Naruto's training with Jiraiya had started. The blond had improved by leaps and bounds and didn't appear to be slowing down. Jiraiya was proud of his student, even though he wouldn't be telling him anytime soon, and knew that he would be the only one capable of surpassing the Fourth. If it weren't for the boy's fear of using the Kyuubi's chakra then he would easily be high chuunin level. Jiraiya had hinted that he wanted Naruto to use the fox's chakra but Naruto would refuse.

Naruto had improved on, what he had said, were his weaknesses. The boy had easily grasped the toad style taijutsu. It had been difficult at first, since Naruto would always rush into the attacks, but Jiraiya had drilled that out of him. The blond was on his way to mastering the taijutsu but, again, would have been a lot better mixed with the Kyuubi's chakra. It was a shame for Naruto to ignore something that would give him a great advantage over any other ninja.

The blond had mastered the two wind chakra control exercises already. Naruto had already attempted to use the jutsu Kakashi had given him but had some difficulty performing them. Sometimes the jutsu wouldn't have enough power behind them while other times Naruto would put too much chakra behind the jutsu, making the attack too hard to control. The boy was making some progress but would need help on his wind jutsu.

Naruto had also improved on his sealing. It had been hard to make the boy pay attention when they started but when he got the basics down, he began to soak everything up like a sponge. The blond could now use his own seals for basic stuff like packing things into scrolls, making paper bombs and making restriction seals. It would take a while for Naruto to learn advanced sealing and Jiraiya had a feeling that this would be difficult for Naruto to learn.

The only thing that the boy still struggled in was summoning. He had continued to summon weak toads and had even summoned a tadpole once. Jiraiya knew that in order to get his student to master summoning, he would need to get the boy to use the fox's chakra. It would be hard to get Naruto to use it since he didn't plan on using that chakra anytime soon. The sannin would have to trick Naruto into using it but knew that Minato wouldn't approve if he still liver.

Jiraiya sighed as he thought about what the boy still needed to learn. It would take time to train the boy and from what he heard, the Akutski had begun to move. They hadn't captured any jinchuuriki but they had begun to prepare to do so. Jiraiya would need to train the boy in order to make him strong enough to protect himself. This would require his full attention but he couldn't stay in the same place for too long, this meant that he had to take the boy on a long training trip. The sound of giggling was heard and Jiraiya smile. He would push his thoughts aside for now. Right now there was potential research material waiting for him.

Naruto walked through town with a smile. Jiraiya had treated him to ramen since his training was going great. The sannin had asked if he liked any girl and, though skeptical at first, Naruto admitted to having a crush on Sakura. Jiraiya had then asked him to find her and give her a hug or kiss and that they would meet for training the following day. Naruto had been flagger stabbed but agreed to give her a hug when Jiraiya said that it was part of his training. So Naruto was currently looking for his teammate with his usual fake smile.

He spotted the pink-haired girl on the distance and gulped. He knew what would happen if he just outright asked her so that left catching her by surprise. The girl would probably hit him when he hugged her. Naruto thought that maybe Jiraiya had asked him to do this in order to test his resistance. The blond walked up to his teammate and waved.

'Hey Sakura!' Naruto greeted with his usual cheerfulness.

Sakura frowned. 'Naruto, shouldn't you be training or something? You're up against Neji after all.' She said, 'He is a genius like Sasuke so he'll be hard to beat.'

Naruto frowned. 'As if Sasuke could actually beat me.' The blond crossed his arms and huffed, 'I'm actually in the middle of my training.'

'What kind of training?' Sakura asked.

The blond gulped and had a light blush on his face. 'W-well you see…' The teen began, 'What's that?' Naruto pointed behind Sakura and the moment she turned around hugged her around the waist.

Sakura fumed. 'Naruto!' She punched the blond away before walking away with a stomp on her step, 'Stupid pervert.'

Naruto sat on the ground and found that his nose was bleeding slightly. 'Man, Sakura packs a punch. I have to commend Ino on actually fighting her, when I next see her.' The blond murmured.

'You know, that you're not really supposed to throw yourself at a girl, right?' Came a voice.

Naruto looked up and found himself in front of Ino. 'Hey Ino!' He said with a smile, 'What are you doing here?'

Ino sighed. 'I just came back from my training with Asuma-sensei.' She explained, 'But that doesn't matter right now. You're bleeding Naruto.'

The blond shook his head. 'I'm okay, don't worry.' He stood up and smiled, 'A bloody nose is not too bad.'

The kunoichi frowned and crossed her arms. Naruto knew that look and sighed. 'You know where we're going already, right?' Ino asked. Naruto nodded in understanding, 'Let's go.'

Naruto followed Ino with a pout. Ino would take him to her house again and look at his wounds. They had been spending more time together since their semi-promise and had come to know each other a lot better. Whenever Ino would see Naruto in bad condition after training, she would take him to her house and fix him up though Naruto still avoided bumping into her mom. The two blonds had been keeping up with each other's improvements. Naruto was happy to know that Ino had actually taken his words to heart and had improved on her skills.

Ino had learned that she had a water affinity and had begun to learn how to control water with her chakra. Asuma had told Ino that she had good chakra control and it would only be a few days until she mastered the water element. For that same reason he had gotten Kurenai to teach the girl some genjutsu, which she picked up rather easily. Her chakra capacity was still kind of low but had been improving as her stamina.

The two would get together on their days off training and teach each other any new things they learned. Naruto had been teaching Ino how to control wind chakra while Ino, in turn, taught Naruto how to control water chakra. Though they hated to admit it, the two were doing completely horrible. It was true that a ninja could pick up a second nature but that took a long time. The two blonds had made little progress but still tried whenever they got the chance.

When the two finally got to Ino's home, they entered and made their way to Ino's room. Naruto had become quite familiar with the home since he was there constantly. Ino still told him to talk to her parents if he could but he would be too nervous to do so. He wanted to make Ino happy, since she was a good friend, but his past experiences with adults made him keep his distance from them.

'Sit down while I get the first aid kit.' Ino said with a sigh. Naruto was a good friend but Ino was mad at his inability to stay safe. Though she had to admit that she actually enjoyed healing his wounds since it made her feel needed and she was glad to help Naruto get better.

Naruto sat on the all too familiar chair and ran a hand through his hair. The blond was glad that Ino would worry about him and go to the trouble to heal his wounds but he hated to bother people, much less his friends. Ino emerged from the bathroom with the first-aid on hand. The teen couldn't help but sigh, he was getting tired of the burning brown stuff Ino would put on his cuts.

Ino gave Naruto a smile. 'Don't worry; I'll get you cleaned up in no time!' She exclaimed cheerfully.

Naruto smiled back. Even if the stuff Ino would put on him burned like hell, he was glad to see her smile. Ino had become one of Naruto's most important people and he would do anything to see her happy. 'Thanks Ino.' He said with a smile.

'Don't mention it.' She replied happily. With that Ino began to work on the area around Naruto's nose. She saw that part of the skin had been torn off with the punch the blond received, 'Remind me not to piss off Forehead.'

Naruto chuckled. 'She packs a nasty punch.' He replied, wincing slightly as Ino put the brown stuff on his wound.

Ino frowned. 'Why would she do this to you? Next time I see her, I'll give her a piece of my mind.' She declared, 'What's wrong with her, anyway?'

Naruto laughed nervously. 'You don't have to do that.' He said, 'It was kind of my fault anyway.'

Ino sighed. 'Okay I'll drop it but if she ever hurts you again, I'll knock some sense into her.' She finished working on Naruto's wound and patted him on the head, 'All done.'

Naruto pouted and crossed his arms. 'Don't treat me like a baby!'

Ino giggled and shook her head. 'You're really something Naruto.' She smiled and held out her hand, 'All done, you may leave now.'

Naruto smiled and took Ino's hand. 'That's so nice of you.' He joked, 'I really do need to get back to my training.' Ino helped Naruto up and the two began to walk out of the house.

Ino looked confused. 'I thought that you were done with your training with Jiraiya by this time of day?'

The orange-clad ninja smiled. 'I am done training with him for today but I have to do some training of my own.' He explained, 'I'm having trouble with my wind jutsus and have to practice.'

'You're already practicing your jutsus?' Ino asked in surprise. Naruto nodded with a grin, 'Well, why don't you ask Asuma-sensei for help? He's a wind user after all.'

Naruto smiled in excitement. 'What are we waiting for? Let's go see him!'

Ino sighed. 'You're really loud sometimes, you know?' Despite herself, Ino smiled, 'Fine, let's go see Asuma-sensei.' With that the two blonds left the home to meet with Asuma.

Ino led Naruto to Team Ten's training ground. It was very similar to Team Seven's training ground, with the only difference being a small hill next to a rocky area. From the condition the rocky area was in, Naruto guessed that it was used for sparring or training. Asuma stood on the training ground with Shikamaru and Choji. He gave the two blonds an odd look before walking over to them.

'What are you guys doing here? You're training is over for today, Ino.' Asuma said with a look of slight confusion.

Ino smiled. 'We didn't come here for my own training, I already trained a lot.' She explained, 'We came here hoping that you could help Naruto with his own training.'

Asuma raised a brow. 'Why would you need my help?' He asked Naruto.

Ino elbowed Naruto's ribs as a sign to start talking. The blond winced and glared at Ino. 'Why'd you do that?'

Ino returned the glare. 'I'm signaling you to tell him why you need his help!'

Naruto frowned. 'Well, you shouldn't have signaled me like that.' He poked Ino on the side, making her yelp, 'See, it hurts when you hit someone on the ribs.'

Ino blushed in anger. 'Why'd you do that?' She exclaimed before elbowing him on the side again.

Asuma watched the exchange in amusement. He was glad that his student had made a new friend and from what he could see, they were quite close.

The jonin chuckled. 'What do you need my help with, Naruto?'

Naruto stopped poking Ino and turned to Asuma. 'I'm having some trouble using my wind jutsus and Ino said that you might be able to help.'

Asuma ran a hand through his beard. 'It's quite rare to see wind users in Konoha.' He began, 'Have you done any of the chakra control exercises?'

Naruto nodded. 'I've done the leaf and rock cutting exercises.'

Asuma smiled in approval. 'So I take it that you're having problems with the power behind the jutsu?' He asked. Naruto nodded, 'Very well, I'll help you out. It might take a few days so I want you to come here whenever you can, you'll be training with Team Ten from now on.'

Ino smiled. 'That'll be great Asuma-sensei!' She said in excitement, 'I only hope you can keep up with us, Naruto.'

Naruto grinned. 'You're the ones who aren't going to be able to keep up with me.' He said, 'Thanks for helping me out, Asuma-sensei!'

Asuma grinned. 'Don't worry about it kid.' He began, 'We'll begin tomorrow at two in the afternoon.'

'Got it!' Naruto said with a smile. If he was able to master the jutsu then his skills would have improved overall. He would have the strength to protect his friends in no time. He made a note to thank Ino later; she didn't know how much she had helped him with everything. He was glad to call her a friend and was even happier to get to spend more time with her; he really looked forward to his training with Team Ten.

Naruto Nine Tails Fox Game

Naruto sat on the ground in front of Asuma. The jonin had been explaining the concepts of wind chakra. Ino was sitting against a tree and watching the two train. Shikamaru and Choji had been given the rest of the day off and left the training grounds. Naruto learned that wind chakra came from his surroundings not like other elements that came from within.

'What jutsu are you trying to learn?' Asuma asked once he was done with his explanation.'

'I've only tried two so far.' Naruto informed, 'One is the Spiraling Wind Ball and the other is the Wind Wave.'

Asuma nodded. 'Those have great use in battle.' He said, 'They are easy to master once you get a hold of the basics. In order to use the Spiraling Wind Ball, you need to keep molding the chakra after gathering it. As for the Wind Wave, what you need to do is create a smooth end instead of a sharp one, as you learned in your training.'

'I want you to use the jutsu with the things I told you in mind.' Asuma pointed at a large boulder, 'Use the jutsu on that boulder and remember what I told you.'

Naruto nodded and stood up. He stared at the boulder in complete seriousness and took a deep breath. He blew into his hand and began to mold the wind chakra. A ball of compressed air formed on his hand, it wavered slightly but it was still passable.

'Wind Style: Spiraling Wind Ball!' Naruto yelled as he ran at the bolder. The blond slammed the ball into the rock, making the attack break apart pieces of the rock before unleashing the compressed wind in a small explosion. Naruto grinned when he saw the large whole on the boulder. This attack had been a lot better than any of the others he had done.

'Way to go Naruto!' Ino cheered with a smile.

Asuma nodded in approval. 'That was very good Naruto but you didn't use the attack like it was supposed to.' He said with a sad smile, 'You are supposed to throw the ball not keep it in your hand like that. Let's see the next one.'

'Got it.' Naruto said with a nod. The blond flashed through hand signs and began to gather wind chakra, 'Wind Style: Wind Wave!' The teen swung his hand and a large wave of air shot towards the boulder. It hit with great impact and broke small pieces of the rock.

'That was great Naruto.' Asuma praised, 'Take into mind that Wind Wave is used to push people aside instead of hurting them.'

Naruto smiled. All he needed to do now was perfect his spiraling ball and start practicing his other two jutsu. 'Thanks for the help, Asuma-sensei.'

'Don't mention it.' Asuma replied, 'I'm sorry to say this but I have to go. I promised I would be somewhere and its getting kind of late. I'll see you two tomorrow.' The jonin disappeared in a puff of smoke with a look of worry on his face.

'Will he be alright?' Naruto asked Ino.

Ino smiled. 'Don't worry about it, he's probably late for a date with Kurenai-sensei.' She looked at Naruto's clothes and smirked, 'I have a surprise for all your hard work Naruto.'

'Really?' Naruto asked in excitement.

'Yup.' Ino said with a smirk, 'Just follow me.' She smiled inwardly when she heard Naruto cheered. She had gotten to know the blond and knew that he wouldn't be too happy with the surprise.

'What? Why are we here?' Naruto exclaimed with a frown. Ino's surprise had turned out to be a clothes shop.

Ino frowned. 'Look at the stuff you wear.' She deadpanned, 'You need to get some clothes that make you look more serious.'

The blond pouted. 'There's nothing wrong with my clothes.' He said with his arms crossed, 'Besides I'm not sure this store is for me.' He really didn't want to get thrown out in front of Ino, that would only raise questions and he would be forced to tell her about the fox.

The kunoichi smiled. 'Don't worry about it Naruto.' She said, 'I'm sure that you'll like this store. It opened a few months ago and has the best clothes from neighboring villages. Everything there, even the workers, are from other villages.'

Naruto's expression changed into a hopeful one. 'Are you sure everyone there are from different villages?' He smiled when he saw Ino nod; this would mean that they might not know of his condition, 'Fine, let's go.'

Ino smiled and took hold of Naruto's sleeve before dragging him in. The inside of the shop was pretty spacious and had many people looking around. He noticed that some of them threw him dirty looks but the workers simply kept to themselves.

'Welcome!' A female worker with long brown hair greeted, 'Please call for me if you need help looking for certain clothing.'

Ino smiled. 'We're looking for shinobi clothing.' She pointed at Naruto, 'It's for him, so could you show us to what would fit him?'

The worker smiled at the two and got a weird look on her eye. 'It's always nice to see young couples shopping together.' Naruto's and Ino's right eye twitched at the mention of the word couple, 'Follow me, I'm sure we'll find something you'll like.'

The woman led them to an area with many pieces of clothing for shinobi. Some of them had metal plates and some had many hidden compartments. Naruto's eyes immediately landed on a lone orange and black jacket. He instantly ran over to it and smiled excitedly.

'Don't even think about it!' Ino snapped, 'We're here to get rid of the orange. Get some other colors!'

Naruto pouted and crossed his arms. 'Fine.' He said with a sigh, 'I'll get something else.'

The worker giggled. 'We have some selection over here.' She said, gaining Ino's attention, 'Please follow me.'

Ino followed the worker while Naruto stayed behind. The blond had found some clothes that he actually liked and there was no orange on them. He hated the idea of not wearing any orange but Ino would only lash out him again if he got something with the smallest tint of orange.

Ino smiled in excitement. 'This is perfect!' She declared. Ino was holding a purple t-shirt and a pair of purple pants for Naruto. She thought of finding matching ninja sandals but noticed the absence of said blond, 'Where did he go?'

'Here I am!' Came a loud voice. Ino turned around and gasped. Naruto was dressed in a new wardrobe, with no sign of orange.

The blond wore dark blue pants with a kunai hustler on his right thigh. He wore a pair of black ninja sandals and a pair of black fingerless gloves with small metal plates, like his teacher Jiraiya. He also wore a long-sleeve black shirt with a white spiral on its back. He had also changed his headband from blue to black. Ino thought that it was a much better and need improvement.

Naruto nine tailed fox song

Ino gave Naruto an approving smile. 'Not bad Naruto.' She said, 'You actually look like a ninja now.'

Naruto frowned. 'Clothes don't make the ninja.' He stated, 'I'm going to go pay. You can wait for me outside if you want.'

Ino nodded and went outside. Once there she gave off a big sigh. It had been a very long day for her and was glad that it would be over soon, since the soon was already setting. She had been glad to have spent the day with Naruto since she felt that she could be herself when she was with him. She would show her weak side and trust Naruto not to take advantage of it. Ino was glad to have a friend whom she could trust this much.

Naruto came out of the store with a sad look. Gama had taken quite a blow today but would survive. The blond hated to hurt his companion like that and wouldn't it be doing it again any time soon.

Ino smiled when she saw Naruto come out. 'Ready to go?' She asked.

Naruto nodded. 'Do you need me to walk you home?'

Ino gave a small smile and shook her head. 'I'll be okay.' She said, 'I need some time alone anyway.'

Naruto gave Ino a genuine smile. 'Thank you Ino.'

'I just took you to a shop, it wasn't a big deal,' Ino responded with a grin.

Naruto shook his head. 'No, thank you for everything.' He gazed at her eyes and she couldn't help but blush. Her heartbeat rose due to the intensity of his gaze, 'You've been really good to me. So, thank you for all you've done for me. I'll see you later.' With a single wave Naruto made his way home.

Ino stood frozen on the spot. She had been completely thrown off by what Naruto had said. The girl smiled, that idiot had made it seem like he hadn't done anything for her. If only he knew how much he had done for her. He had made her take training seriously and had given her a reason to get stronger, she didn't want to be a burden on anyone and would get stronger to help others.

'No…' Ino began before smiling towards Naruto's retreating figure, 'Thank you Naruto.'

Naruto panted and frowned, no matter what he did he still wasn't able to summon bigger toads. Like usual, he had gone to see Jiraiya at the waterfall where they would always train. Jiraiya had told him that his usual training would be postponed until he could summon bigger toads. The blond could feel that he was running out of chakra and gritted his teeth, he was getting frustrated with his lack of improvement.

'That's enough kid.' Jiraiya said with a serious look, 'I'm going to take you to a place where you'll be able to master summoning.'

The blond gave Jiraiya a confused look. If the sannin really knew of a place like that, then why hadn't he taken him there earlier? It didn't make much sense but considering that he was dealing with Jiraiya it didn't have to. 'Where is that place, Jiraiya-sensei?'

The sannin grinned. 'Now where would be the fun in just telling you kid?' He motioned for Naruto to follow as he left their training spot.

As Jiraiya leapt through trees, he looked back to see Naruto trying to keep up with him. The sannin sighed when he thought of shat he was about to do. He had no doubt that Minato would've never approve but it was necessary for the well-being of Naruto. There were S-class ninja after him and if he didn't learn to control the Nine-Tails then he was doomed. The sannin broke from his line of thought when he saw his destination on the distance.

Jiraiya jumped down and landed on a small clearing. 'This is it Naruto.'

Naruto looked around with a frown. 'What gives? There isn't anything special about this place!' The blond exclaimed.

Jiraiya frowned. 'Be quiet!' The sannin exclaimed. Naruto instantly got quiet and looked at Jiraiya in confusion, 'I brought you here so you could stare death on the face.'

Naruto looked confused. 'What are you talking about Jiraiya-sensei?' The blond asked. Jiraiya didn't say anything only raised his hand and pushed him away.

Before he knew what happened, Naruto was falling large an endless chasm. He didn't know what Jiraiya had been thinking but tried to hold on to something. He tried stop his fall by grabbing onto the walls of the chasm but found that they were too slippery. The blond was out of chakra from the constant usage of the summoning jutsu meaning that he couldn't use any of his ninjutsu to help him. His vision started to blacken before he finally lost consciousness.

Naruto woke up in a kind of sewer. There was ankle-deep water and not much light except for the brownish glow of the walls. The place looked vaguely familiar but he couldn't place it. He looked around before hearing deep breathing and most of all, warmth. The blond walked towards the source of the warmth and found himself in front of a cage.

'What is this?' He asked himself. He looked at the large cage in wonder before finally gazing at an advanced restriction seal, 'T-this must be.'

A large face made itself known from inside the cage. It had a large evil grin and piercing red eyes. 'Hello Naruto.' It growled.

Naruto gaped. 'K-Kyuubi.'

Ch. 4 End

This marks the end of chapter four. Next chapter will show the meeting with the Kyuubi (who won't be good or like Naruto) and will be the final chapter of Naruto's training. The Chuunin Exam finals will start on the last part of next chapter. I would like to warn you that there will be some major changes on what happens during the finals.


Now we get to the first real arc of this story!

The Academy Arc will go on until Naruto graduates and joins a team! I currently have five chapters planned for this arc, so it is fairly short. It'll also be the first chance to see a little action in the story!

Please Review and I hope you enjoy!







Mikoto and Hikari were distracted enough giggling at the two children that they didn't notice the glare Sasuke was giving Naruto, or the sad look that Itachi had for his brother.

'Please, Naruto-kun, I hope you have a better chance of helping Sasuke than I do...' Itachi thought sadly.

Only time would tell however, as after the Uchiha were discharged from the hospital, they were moved into a wealthy apartment and Itachi was made the new Uchiha Clan Head. The Civilians promptly spoiled Sasuke rotten, much to the distaste of his mother and brother. Two more years passed, and it was finally time for the new generation to start the Academy.

Naruto nine tailed fox song


Iruka Umino, a Chunin of the Hidden Leaf, stood at the front of his new class of students; a collection of thirty kids that he would be responsible for training for the next five years. Almost all the Clan Children were in his class, with only the Sarutobi Clan's Konohamaru and the Hyuga Clan's Hanabi not being present due to being too young. In addition, there were a few other prominent students; namely Sai, an Orphan that Danzo had taken as an apprentice, Sakura Haruno, the niece of Jonin Councillor Kisuke Haruno and lastly, either the Village Hero, or the Village Pariah depending on who you asked; Naruto Uzumaki.

The Seven year old blonde boy was currently in his 100% human form, without ears or tail so as not to draw attention to him until he was ready. Iruka was conflicted over the boy; on the one hand, his parents had been killed in the previous Nine Tails' attack. On the other hand, Naruto himself was innocent and had gained a reputation as a loveable prankster with a heart of gold. Even knowing this, Iruka had been unsure of how to deal with the boy until a couple of Civilian Councilmen came to the Academy and paid the teachers to make sure the boy failed, so he wouldn't grow stronger and endanger the village. That had set off Iruka's pride as a teacher and he promptly refused before threatening and accusing the rest of the teachers to refuse as well. Whether he intended it or not, Iruka had firmly planted himself in the Pro-Naruto camp of the village.

Still, as Iruka looked at the mostly happy and chattering faces of the students, he felt at easy. 'All right everybody, its time to get class under way. My name is Iruka Umino and I will be your Sensei for the next five years. Now, I would like everyone to give introductions; you don't need to tell us more than your name, but feel free to add details if you want. We will start with the front row.'

One by one, the Civilian Children and the Children of less prominent ninja stood and introduced themselves with the odd one or two adding in their likes, hobbies and dreams. By the time it got to the final ten students, only the prominent clan kids remained.

A Pale skinned, dark haired boy in plain black clothes stood up and bowed his head. 'My name is Sai. Hello.' he said in a monotone before sitting down.

Next to Sai, Sasuke stood up. 'I am Sasuke Uchiha, Heir to the Uchiha Clan.' he said, ignoring the smitten looks he got from some of the girls as he sat back down.

Next stood a pink haired girl in a pale green shirt with a big red ribbon in her hair. 'I'm Sakura Haruno!' she said with a happy smile before sitting back down and giving an even bigger smile to Sasuke.

An annoyed looking blonde girl in peach coloured shirt stood next. 'I'm Ino Yamanaka, Heiress of the Yamanaka Clan! And I hate those that don't take being a Kunoichi seriously!' she said with a scowl at Sakura. In truth, Ino was as much a fan girl as Sakura was, but she took her training seriously.

The boy beside her and his head on the desk; his long black hair in a pineapple style. Not bothering to stand or even sit up he just groaned. 'I'm Shikamaru Nara. Heir to the Nara Clan.' he said lazily, not bother to add more.

Next was a chubby little boy with red swirls on his cheeks, whom was idly chewing on a handful of potato chips. 'I'm Choji Akimichi, Heir to the Akimichi. I hope we can be friends.' he said with a nervous smile.

As Choji sat down, a feral looking child with red fang marks on his cheeks shot to his feet and jumped on the desk, a tiny white puppy barking happily from his hood, 'I'm Kiba Inuzuka! And I'm going to be the top dog of the Inuzuka Clan and this class!'

Iruka shook his head as Kiba smirked and sat back down. Kiba was going to be trouble… With a sigh, Iruka gestured for the next boy to introduce himself. A hooded and trench coat wearing boy stood up, his eyes hidden by glasses. 'I am Shino Aburame. If you see any insects in this classroom, they are mine, so please don't kill them.' he said quietly before sitting back down. Many of the class looked freaked out by Shino as Hinata stood to give her introduction.

'My name is Hinata Hyuga, Heiress of the Hyuga Clan. I hope we can all get along.' she said, blushing and giving a small bow to the class. A few boys commented on how she was kind of cute, while others in the class silently wondered about her violet, pupil-less eyes.

Lastly, Naruto stood up, but to those that didn't know him, he looked boring compared to some of the strange people that went before him. Naruto gave a respectful bow, 'I am Naruto Uzumaki, a ward of the Hyuga Clan and I...' he gained a mischievous grin as smoke surrounded his body. The smoke cleared to reveal the large, nearly pony-sized Nine Tailed Golden Fox ' the New and Improved Nine Tailed Fox!'

The class quickly erupted into pandemonium as those that new of Naruto's secret began to laugh (or glare in the case of Sasuke) while those that didn't began to panic and run for the door, or to hide behind Iruka-sensei. It took a few minutes before Iruka was able to calm the group. 'Honestly Naruto, was that necessary?' Iruka frowned.

'Hehe, Uncle Hiashi said it would be a good idea to let everyone know straight away, so they wouldn't be surprised if I transformed by accident.' Naruto smiled, still in his fox form. Iruka sighed again; he knew that Naruto would sometimes transform back into a fox on his own if he got too excited so he couldn't fault the boy. Plus, most of the village already knew, though the students of his class hadn't known the fox boy would be in their class.

Once Iruka made certain that everyone knew that Naruto was not a wild monster or a demon, he was finally able to start the brunt of the class. As it was only the first day, Iruka outlined to the children about the things they would learn from Taijutsu, Genjutsu and Ninjutsu to Bukijutsu and Fuinjutsu. Those five skills were a Ninja's greatest tools, so they would need to be learned even if it was only enough to counter them. Once Iruka had outlined what each of the five skills meant, he had everyone go to the Training Yard for their Assessment Tests, which would decide what their personal rankings were.

'Okay class, as you know, each year group tracks and ranks its members based on all their scores. The Top score in each year is given the title Rookie of the Year, while the top in each gender are given the title of either Top Shinobi or Top Kunoichi. The very lowest score will be named Dead Last. We will be doing these Assessment Tests every 10 weeks, so we can keep the scores accurate as you all grow. Now, hands up if you have already received some Ninja training.' Iruka asked.

The Clan Heirs and those from Ninja families all raised their hands, along with a few Civilians which had likely had private tutors paid for by their parents. Surprisingly, despite being the niece of a ninja and being raised by him since her parents died, Sakura did not raise her hand.

'Okay, that's good. The Assessment Test will be fairly simple; those without training will only watch for now and won't be assessed until the end of the term. Those with training will demonstrate their abilities with the five Shinobi skills I described in class. Lets begin!'

The tests were fairly simple and to the point; for Genjutsu, no one could cast one yet, but most of the students could break out of a simple one within a minute. Sasuke and Hinata broke out the fastest while Kiba and Choji took the longest. Strangely, Naruto wasn't effected at all, since the constant shifting between his human and Tailed Beast Chakra meant it was nearly impossible to place a Genjutsu on him.

For Fuinjutsu, almost no one could do anything with seals. Shikamaru was able to make a small storage seal and Naruto could mimic it successfully (which Iruka attributed to his Uzumaki blood). Bukijutsu, or more specifically Shurikenjutsu, was fairly impressive, with most students being able to hit the targets at least 50% of the time, even if they didn't get too close to the kill spots. Sasuke dominated this test and Naruto did average, since he hadn't trained much in Shurikenjutsu.

Then came the fun part for most of the students; the Ninjutsu test. In order to help with this test, Iruka called for his teaching assistant and fellow Chunin; Mizuki. The Ninja trained students were able to pull off one or two of the basic Academy Jutsu with a lot of effort, but it was the Clan kids that did the best. Sasuke showed off his Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu, which had made everyone look on amazed at the flames, which could encompass a horse in size. Sai didn't say anything, but was able to turn his drawings to life, while Ino used her Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu to take control of Sakura and make her do a silly dance, much to her annoyance. Shikamaru used Shadow Possession Jutsu to make Iruka mimic his moves, Choji used Partial Expansion Jutsu to make his hand grow huge, Kiba used the Tunnelling Fang (though it made him dizzy), Shino merely directing a horde of his insects with his chakra and Hinata activated her Byakugan. Iruka clapped along with this and turned to Naruto.

'Okay Naruto, you're up. Please show us any and all Jutsu you can perform.' Iruka ordered.

Naruto nodded and grinned. First he transformed back into his Fox Form, then again into his Human Form. Then he used Substitution to swap places with Iruka. Lastly, he turned into his Fox Form again and created a small blue fire ball on the end of each tail, which he could freely move and control. 'I can't show you it, but I can also use the Tailed Beast Bomb! Though it's pretty small, it would still do a lot of damage if I'm not careful.' Naruto said, turning back into a human.

His sensei smiled. 'I'm glad you chose to show restraint. However, even without that Bomb of yours, you would still be the top ranked Student in Ninjutsu with the most successful jutsus cast. Well done. Now, everybody get ready for the Taijutsu test! We will be doing a Boys tournament and a Girls tournament, but remember that in later years, you will be expected to fight ninja of the opposite gender.'

All the students gave a call of 'Yes Sensei' before moving to the ring where the fights would take place. The Girls Tournament would go first, since there were only four girls in the class with Ninja Training. The First Round matched Ino and Hinata against two Privately trained Civilian girls, but they were no match for the Heiresses and were quickly ejected from the ring. Then came the match between Ino and Hinata.

The two girls had been friends since they were little, due to their mutual rank of Heiress and were quiet close, despite Hinata being shy and reserved while Ino was loud and liked to be the centre of attention. 'Okay girls, begin!' Iruka declared.

Ino made the first move while Hinata got in her stance. The blonde girl kicked at Hinata's leg, trying to unbalance her but Hinata simply shifted her stance, causing Ino to miss. Ino hadn't expected this so she lost her balance, allowing Hinata to strike forward and block a tenketsu in the other girl's arm. Ino growled, no longer able to move her right arm properly, but she still pressed on; keeping her struck arm in a guarding position while striking with her left in a flurry of punches. Hinata skilfully blocked or redirected each blow and as soon as she saw an opening, she shot forward and landed three direct strikes; one to each of Ino's untouched Limbs. The sudden stiffness in her arms and legs left Ino unable to move quickly enough to avoid the double palmed thrust which knocked her out of the ring.

'Winner: Hinata Hyuga! Well done to both of you.' Iruka smiled. 'Now its time for the Boys Matches! Since we have an odd number of boys, Mizuki will spar with one of you and will let you advance if he thinks you did well enough.'

Hinata helped Ino to her feet and unblocked her tenketsu, before going over to Naruto to wish him luck. 'Naruto-kun, if you win the tournament, I'll treat you to Ramen.' Hinata said with a teasing grin, loving how Naruto's eyes lit up at the thought of his favourite food.

'You're on, Hinata-chan!' Naruto declared as he stepped towards the ring with the other boys. The first round matches were fairly...disappointing. Sasuke fought Shino and the bug user surrendered after seeing that Sasuke was more than skilled enough to win and Shino didn't want to be pointlessly injured. Kiba fought Sai and it was another quick match, since Sai barely tried to fight and allowed himself to be thrown from the ring without laying a hand on Kiba. Shikamaru fought Choji, but since both boys were good friends and Shikamaru knew Choji didn't have it in him to hurt a friend, the Nara boy surrendered, allowing Choji to move forward.

Then there came the fight between Naruto and Mizuki.

Mizuki could barely contain his smirk at the thought of 'accidentally' giving the Fox Boy a good beating. And he'd been given the opportunity by one of the boy's own supporters; Iruka! Naruto glared at Mizuki, sensing the foul emotions welling up inside the silver haired man. 'Hey, Iruka-sensei, we can't use Ninjutsu or weapons in these spars, can we?' he asked, formulating a plan.

'No Naruto, this is Taijutsu only.' Iruka replied.

'In that case, can I fight in Fox Form? That is my real form as much as this one is and in a fight, I might accidentally swap into it anyway.'

The teacher looked into Naruto's eyes. There was the hint of scheme there, but not a lie. 'Do you know how to fight in Fox Form? I don't want you getting hurt trying to fight in a form you're not used to.'

'He can fight just fine.' Kiba said, getting impatient for his next fight. 'He trained his Fox Form Taijutsu with our Inuzuka dogs. My Mom trained him herself.'

'Oh, then that's okay then. Naruto, you may fight as a fox.' Iruka smiled. Mizuki just scowled and rolled his eyes. It didn't matter which form he beat the kid in, actually, this was better! Now he could hurt the beast in the same form he had hurt others! Mizuki and Naruto stepped into the ring and Naruto transformed into his Fox Form and got into a stance like a wolf about to pounce with his teeth bared.


Mizuki smirked and charged forward at speed that no Academy Student could match and threw a punch that could easily break the boy's jaw. Naruto ran forward, running beneath the punch and under Mizuki's legs. Once he was behind the man, Naruto quickly whipped his tails around, tripping Mizuki with one tail and smacking him into the ground with the other eight. Embarrassed and cringing at his now cracked ribs, Mizuki got back to his feet and actually examined Naruto closely. Unlike when he had transformed in the classroom, he was not the size of a small horse, but rather the size of a dog. The furious Chunin had to admit, Naruto was smart to pick a smaller, faster form that Mizuki would have a hard time to hit.

Before Mizuki could attack again, he suddenly felt something warm on his ankle. Looking down, he saw the ends of one of Naruto's tails coming out of the ground and wrapping around his ankle. 'Oh crap!' he cursed, but it was too late. With a might roar, Naruto swung his entire body, dragging Mizuki into the ground where his tail exited, through the tunnel he had dug and out the hole where the tail had entered, before releasing his hold at the apex of the throw, launching Mizuki into the trees at the edge of the Training Yard.

Iruka and the students looked awe-struck as they waited for Mizuki to pull himself from the tree he had struck. Once it was clear the man was conscious, Iruka smiled. 'Winner: Naruto Uzumaki! A well fought battle! It wasn't quite the Taijutsu fight I had hoped to see, but it showed intelligence. Good work.'

Naruto grinned and thanked Iruka before trotting over to stand with the other Boys that won their first matches.

The Second Round of fights began with Sasuke VS Choji, but it ended almost as quickly as the previous fights, as Choji was no match for Sasuke, whom seemed even angrier after watching Naruto defeat a Chunin, even if he used a trick to do it. The next fight and the one to decide who would fight Sasuke in the final round was Naruto VS Kiba.

It was a longer battle than the last one, but not by much. Kiba and Naruto had sparred plenty of times during their training with Tsume, but Kiba could never beat Naruto in Fox Form as the boy's close resemblance to his family's dogs made Kiba reluctant to fully attack Naruto. Unfortunately for Kiba, his mother hadn't trained that out of him by the time he started the academy, so the battle was quick, with Naruto grabbing a sloppy punch in his jaws and then pulling Kiba to the ground where a swift blow from his hind legs send the Inuzuka skidding out of the ring.

Now it was time for the battle between Naruto and Sasuke. Ever since the massacre two years before, Sasuke had been cold, ruthless and at times, arrogant. If he saw a powerful technique, he would demand he be taught it and if the person refused, he would shout at them and claim they just hated him for being an Uchiha, since the Red-Eyed Copy Cats had not been popular among the Ninja of the village.

Sasuke treated Naruto especially badly, as he blamed the boy for his family's declined power and the resulting failed Coup that had killed them. Only Itachi's constant warnings served to stop Sasuke from seeing Naruto as another target for revenge.

Iruka and the class could feel the animosity as the two boys entered the ring, with Naruto even turning back to a human to 'Settle things Man-to-Man' with the Emotionally Unstable Uchiha. Taking a deep breath and hoping for the best, Iruka brought his hand down.



AN: And Cliffhanger! Ooh, don't I suck? Don't worry though, the next chapter will be a good one!

Next Chapter will be the most Sasuke Bashing, and will also be the chapter where it will end. I'm also planning a better fight for the two; this chapters fights weren't great, but that was because the participants were Academy Students and a weakling Chunin. Battles will get better!

Current Pairings are:


Naruto Nine Tailed Fox Eye


Naruto Nine Tailed Fox Episodes

Current Harem Suggestions are:

Naruto: Karin (1 Vote), Temari (1 Vote), Ino (1 Vote) and Anko (1 Vote)

Naruto Nine Tails Games

Sasuke: Ino (1 Vote), Fem Haku (1 Vote) and Anko (1 Vote)