Airplay For Mac 10.6.8

AirServer® is the most advanced screen mirroring receiver for Mac. AirServer allows you to receive AirPlay and Google Cast streams, similar to an Apple TV or a Chromecast device, so you can stream content, cast or mirror your display from an iOS device, macOS, Windows, Android, Chromebook or any other AirPlay and Google Cast compatible device. All Macintosh computers that can run Mountain Lion, Mavericks, or Yosemite can run El Capitan,6 although not all of its features will work on older computers. These computers can run El Capitan.

I've wanted to integrate AirPlay functionality into my Squeezebox based home audio system since I first heard that Apple’s Airplay had been hacked.
After nearly a decade of constant use, my Squeezebox(es) have proven themselves to be the single-best technology purchases I've made. The extensibility of the platform and dedicated user community developing third party plugins and apps has kept the platform relevant despite being abandoned by corporate overlords at Logitech.
My interest in trying to get Airplay working with SlimServer (aka LMS) was rekindled this spring when I saw that the Squeezebox user community had hacked a way to integrate Shairplay functionality to Linux-based systems running LMS: and slim user StuartUSA’s even went so far as to create a LMS plugin:
Given the Shairport hack that StuartUSA’s plugin is based on has a port for OS X and OS X is a UNIX-based operating system, I figured I could get the hack to work on my home server (an old 2GHz Core Duo 32-bit Macbook running OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard running LMS and Plex, among other things).
Only problem was I don't really have any experience with coding or working on the command line. That said, I've wanted to get a better understanding of coding, so I took it upon myself to figure out a solution. After a lot of trial and error--and even more googling, I finally got it working on my server.
To write this tutorial and better understand what I actually was doing, I did a second install on another Mac with a 64-bit x86 processor running OS X Mavericks and LMS 7.9.
For the uninitiated, below is a step-by-step guide to getting Shairplay to integrate with your SqueezeBoxes.
Remember, I'm a total rookie at this... It worked for me--twice. But I make no guarantees and if you run into problems or bork your system, I'm probably not going to be able to offer a whole lot of help.
I’m sure that the code-savvy will be able out point out many errors and shortcuts. Feel free to leave any tips/corrections in the comments and I'll try to incorporate.

Here is the Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Go to the App Store and install Xcode
2. Once Xcode is installed, you need to install the Xcode command line tools: a) Open Xcode app. b) Click on Xcode > Open Developer Tools > More Developers Tools. That will take you to Downloads for Apple Developers web site. Use your AppStore Id to login. c) Download & Install Command Line Tools for your Mac OS X version.
A bit about working in Terminal... The dollar sign ($) is the start of a command line to copy and signifies a new line, don't copy it into Terminal. You'll also notice the sharp (#) in some lines. # isn’t code and signifies notes—all text to the right of the # are notes. Hit [Enter] after each string of text is pasted to execute the command.
3. As I’m not that comfortable in Terminal, I use Finder in conjunction with Terminal as I find it easier to find, move, and rename files in the Finder GUI. I find it easiest to keep Finder and Terminal windows open side-by-side so you can easily move back and forth.
In OS X, a lot of components of LMS are installed in hidden folders and we need to modify some of those hidden files. To do so easily in Finder, we need to make hidden files visible. There is no longer an easy preference toggle to do this in Mavericks and we need to use Terminal:
$ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
$ Killall Finder
This will restart Finder with all the hidden files now visible in light grey text.Download airplay for mac
4. Install Homebrew to enable Linux package management support on OSX: a) Open Terminal
b) Paste the following code at the prompt:
$ ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL”
Once installed, make sure the brew packages are up to date by typing in Terminal:
5. Now we need to install the dependencies that are needed to run the shairport plugin. At the Terminal command prompt type:
$ export ARCHFLAGS=”-arch x86_64” # this sets the compiler to build all the modules for Intel x86 64bit processor
$ curl -L | bash # while perl is already installed with OS X, this updates to the latest version and makes sure dependencies are in order
$ brew install pkg-config libao
$ sudo perl -MCPAN -e ‘install Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA’ # choose auto configuration
$ sudo perl -MCPAN -e ‘install IO::Socket::INET6’
$ sudo perl -MCPAN -e ‘install Net::SDP’
6. With dependencies now installed and hidden files visible, we need to install the LMS Shairport plugin. The issue is the plugin posted on the github repo has Linux defined as its target platform, so it crashes if you use the install and enable the plugin using the normal LMS interface. The tricky part here is we have to add the plugin repo and enable it, but then we have to delete the line of code in the BEFORE restarting LMS and having the install complete.
a) Scroll to the Additional Repositories at the bottom of the Plugins page in the LMS web interface, and add the repo: then Apply changes.

b) Scroll down, Enable the ShairTunes Plugin, then Apply changes.

c) A dialog window will pop-up asking if you want to Restart the server. DO NOT RESTART THE SERVER! Click the Restart Later button. If you restart the server, you will need to delete the misinstalled plugin, repo, and restart LMS a few times. Trust me. Don't restart it now. Took me forever to figure out what was going on.

d) Now, with the plugin install mid-stream, we need to modify the file that LMS just downloaded. On my install it is in the hidden directory at:
Airplay For Mac 10.6.8Using Finder, navigate to the file (I couldn’t find it using a Spotlight search, as it’s in the hidden Library folder).

e) Extract the zip. In the ShairTunes folder that is extracted, open the install.xml file with TextEdit (right-click, open with...). The last line of code notes instructs the LMS installer the target platform is Linux:
Delete that line of code and then Save the install.xml file.
f) We now need to delete the old and Compress the ShairTunes folder with the modded code into a new .zip (Right-click on folder, Compress ShairTunes), you can then delete the ShairTunes folder so that all that’s left in the DownloadedPlugins folder is the modded
g) Restart your LMS. If you’re watching the DownloadedPlugins folder in Finder, should disappear and now be installed in the …/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/ShairTunes/ folder. ShairTunes should now appear as an Active Plugin in the LMS Plugins Settings & you should see AirPlay instances for all your SqueezeBoxes on iOS devices and in iTunes. They won’t work yet, but we're getting there.
7. With the ShairTunes plugin now running on LMS and Airplay instances appearing on iOS devices, we need to install the shairport_helper into the systems PATH to get the plugin functioning. To do so we need a version of the shairport_helper compiled for our architecture (Intel 64-bit OS X). You can either download a precompiled version, which is a far simpler route or compile your own.
Download airplay for macLink to precompiled OS X 32 & 64 bit helpers:
If you go the precompiled route, change the appropriate file name to shairport_helper and skip to Step 8.
To compile the OS X executable we need to head back to Finder and Terminal:
Airplay For Mac 10.6.8a) Using Finder, navigate to the …/shairport_helper/src/ folder on my machine it’s at:
Once there, delete the two Linux object files that are in that folder ( alac.o & http.o).
b) Now switch over to Terminal. We need to change into the .../src/ folder directory. The Unix command to change directory is cd and the easiest way to get the full file path on OS X is to drag the folder from Finder over to Terminal window. So, in Terminal type: cd [space] then drag the file over for the full path. It should look like this:
You should now be in the src directory, it will look as follows:
c) Now to compile the shairport_helper. In Terminal at the src directory type:
You should see 4 warnings about deprecated keys and unused variables, you can ignore them.

d) Switch back over to Finder and inside the …/src/ folder you should now see a file named shairtunes_helper that is a Unix executable. That is our freshly complied helper.
8. Now all we need to do is copy shairtunes_helper to the right PATH and we’re good to go! If you downloaded the precompiled version you need to rename the file “shairtunes_helper”
In Finder, copy shairtunes_helper to /usr/local/bin
9. Restart your LMS and you should see Airplay instances for your Squeezeboxes in iTunes and iOS. Select and then try to play something to them. If you aren't getting any sound it could be because of an iOS bug with IPv6 and Shairport. Turning off IPv6 on your server solves the problem.
Note: disabling IPv6 could have unintended consequences, like rendering AirDrop sharing unusable. I don't use AirDrop, but haven't noticed any other issues thus far. You can turn off IPv6 in Terminal with:

Airplay For Mac

$ networksetup -setv6off Ethernet && networksetup -setv6off Wi-Fi
10. To re-hide the hidden files in Finder, in Terminal type:
$ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
$ Killall Finder
Should you want to turn IPv6 back on you can go through System Preference>Network>Advanced>TCP/IP and toggle on and off or in Terminal:
$ networksetup -setv6automatic Wi-Fi && networksetup -setv6automatic Ethernet
That should be it! Enjoy!

Apple Airplay For Windows 10

I have a mid-2010 macbook pro and on it I had Snow Leopard OSX 10.6.8
The main reason for opting for an upgrade were : XCoding, iClouding, curiosity, and some new apps, etc...

Apple Airplay On Mac

Some features like AirPlay Mirroring, Power Nap are not supported for my mac.

Check how to upgrade here
Basic Steps are quite simple as follows:
  1. Upgrade to OSX 10.6.8 if you have Snow Leopard. If you have OSX Lion you can go to next step
  2. Backup using Time Machine
  3. Download OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion from App Store
  4. Follow the simple instructions to upgrade
  5. Restart and check whether your apps are running or not
  6. Install Apple Java for OSX if you have apps which rely on Java
  7. Install iCloud options
It was quite a marathon experience.
Time Machine backup
Was I glad that I took a backup before upgrading... Time Machine is a great time saver and backup plan. I am really happy with this ...
Downloading OSX & Upgrading
I had a slow internet broadband connection which broke down a few times. After a harrowing 3 days, and, nearing completion of the download - I left it for an overnite completion. When I woke up, I noticed that the download was starting from the beginning ... I stopped the download, shutdown the mac and tried to restart. My Mac would not restart ... it just hung...
So I inserted the Mac OSX installation disc that came with mac and restored my backup from Time Machine option ... that was a relief ...
I went for a faster broadband connection and this time the download got done in a few hours
This was very simple ... and got done in about 40 min.
Checking my apps
For the Java apps, I downloaded and installed Apple Java for OSX from here
(Maybe the Java update should have been included with Mountain Lion)

Some beautiful apps like EverNote, Flux4, etc did not work. I have raised tickets/informed the respective App owners / Apple ... Should be a matter of time before the fix is done ...
Temporary work around for EverNote - use the web version.

Resolved the above by re-downloading OSX Mountain Lion (time consuming) and reinstalling OSX Mountain Lion.
Still testing but looking good ...
Installing iCloud
It is simple but for photo streaming it asked for an update of iPhoto. I have iLife 09 (iPhoto, iMovie, Garage Band) which was free with my mac. It now looks like I may have to upgrade to iLife 11 which appears to be $15 x 3 = $45
Installing X11
Mountain Lion does not include this. If you have apps like inkScape, wireShark, etc then you need X11.

Airplay For Mac 10.6.8

here is the link for X11 or rather XQuartz
Note about downloads from App Store

Airplay For Older Macs

Wish List

Download Airplay For Mac

  1. Java update should be included with Mountain Lion upgrade
  2. App Store Apps should allow for reinstall (unless I am missing something ...)
  3. Out of the two: Spaces and Expose, I am going to miss Spaces the most ...(on my 13” mac)...
  4. X11 should be included with Mountain Lion upgrade